On this episode of 2 White Lights, we had the President of the USAPL, Dr. Larry Maile (@larrymaile) to discuss the relationship between the USAPL and IPF.Topics covered:- Explanation from Dr. Maile on the current issues between the USAPL/IPF and why the new drug testing mandates are problematic for the USAPL (7:30-23:40)- What would the immediate action be from the USAPL be if they did decide to leave the IPF. Discussion on a potential pro/am series and Dr. Mailes thoughts on a potential IPF affiliate in the United States (23:44-32:35)- The potential loss of sponsorships if the USAL does leave the IPF. (32:36-38:26)- Dr. Maile explains what the USAPLs reaction would be to a potential national suspension from the IPF for lifters who decide to do other untested or International meets. (38:28-47:12)- The future goals for the USAPL as an organization (47:14-55:40)- Dr. Maile gives an explanation on media rights in the USAPL (55:41-58:17)- What steps need to be take for the USAPL to leave the IPF (58:20-73:30)- Responses to speculations of the USAPL not being "drug free" (73:32-78:08)- Closing statement on the main objective of the USAPL (78:10)