On this episode of 2 White Lights, we breakdown the first round of Stoic and Notorious Lift Regions in out 2WL March Madness brackets for 2021 Raw Nationals:- Please for the love of God listen to the rules, selection process, and criteria for us picking who moves on to the next rounds (6:03-14:26)- #1 Ashton Rouska (@wreck_it_rouska) vs #16 Eric LaPointe (@pizzabloat) (14:29-17:54)- #8 Ls McClain (@lsmclain) vs #9 Delaney Wallace (@delaneywallace) (17:58-29:02)- #5 Connor Borkert (@burleybork) vs #12 Jamarr Royster (@pancakegawd) (29:04-38:06)- #4 Micheal Seay (@mseayjr) vs #13 Jonathan Garcia (@Jonathan_66kg) (38:09-50:11)- #6 Daniel Clements (@danslann) vs #11 Richard Cho (@pugthegoat)(50:13-57:34)- #3 Sean Noriega (@hamstringpapi) vs #14Jake Amendola (@Jake_amendola) (57:37-60:58)- #7 Ed Taylor (@true_taylor) vs Mikey Davis (@mikeydee_) (61:00-66:21)- #2 Russ Orhii (@russwole) vs David Ricks (@ricks.david) (66:24-70:50)- #1 Amanda Lawrence (@miss.amanda.ann) vs #16 Amanda Allen (@Amanda_allen_msrd) (71:20-73:01)- #8 Kristen Dunsmore (@kriss_d) vs #9 Tina Tornado (@tina_tornado) (73:04-81:57)- #5 Marisa Inda (@marisainda) vs #12 Demetria Thaten (@deelifts) (82:00-85:11)- #4 Jennifer Millican (@jenmillican) vs #13 Ayla Thurston (85:14-89:13)- #6 Chandler Babb (@chandlernoell) vs #11 Sarah Brenner (@sarahskwaats) (89:16-94:15)- #3 Sam Calhoun (@sam.s.calhoun) vs #13 Jamie Fisher (@jamielyynn_) (94:16-98:16)- #7 Kloie Doublin (@kdoublive) vs #10 Amanda Martin (@Amanda_martin) (98:19-107:09)- #2 Bonica Brown (@bubblypowerlifter)vs #15 Stephanie Scoville (@scovs13) (107:12)